Spicy Tea: Iced or Hot

Cottage in the Sky

Cottage in the Sky: Spicy tea is made from whole food ingredients.
Cottage in the Sky: Spicy tea is made from whole food ingredients.

Looking for something to drink? Unfortunately, most turn to sugary processed drinks like pop, sports drinks, or juice. Yes, juice is too sugary to be healthy (eat the fruit instead as the pulp slows the body’s absorption of sugar).

“Apple and orange juices can contain about five teaspoons of sugar per cup, and grape juice, double that amount of sugar.”

— Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, Obesity Specialist, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa

What if you could enjoy a healthy, whole food drink that packed a huge punch? Spicy tea won’t let you down! Try this recipe with a bite. It’s easy way to increase your water intake and as unprocessed as it gets.

Cottage in the Sky: Only four simple ingredients (plus water).
Cottage in the Sky: Only four simple ingredients (plus water).


  • 1 inch ginger root, sliced
  • 2 cinnamon sticks, whole
  • 5 cloves, whole
  • 1 star anise, whole
  • Boiled water

Wintertime Instructions

  1. Place the four spices into a casserole dish.
  2. Add boiled water until the casserole dish is full.
  3. Heat on your stove’s warming centre for 3–8 hours (or simmer in a pot on minimum).
  4. Should last a week on your stove’s element or warming centre.
  5. Ladle into a cup and cut with water until the strength of the tea is right for you.
  6. Add a slice of citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit) or mint from your windowsill herb garden.
  7. If you’re feeling under the weather, add crushed garlic to bring up your immune system.
Cottage in the Sky: Spicy tea ready to ladle into your cup
Cottage in the Sky: Spicy tea ready to ladle into your cup

Summertime Instructions

  1. Place the four spices into a casserole dish.
  2. Add boiled water until the casserole dish is full.
  3. Heat on your stove’s warming centre for 3–8 hours (or simmer in a pot on minimum).
  4. Let it cool.
  5. Using a funnel, ladle the tea into jars or bottles and keep them in the fridge (should last a month). Now you have iced tea!
  6. Cut with water or soda water until the strength of tea is right for you.
  7. Add a slice of citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit) or mint, rosemary, or thyme from your windowsill herb garden.
Cottage in the Sky: Keep your bottles of spicy iced tea in the fridge, ready to be poured.


  • Spirits: Add a 1/2 ounce of spirits to your mug of hot tea.
  • White wine: Add 3 ounces of white wine to your glass of iced tea.
  • Maple syrup: If you have a sweet tooth, add a tiny bit of 100% pure maple syrup.
  • Baked goods: Try pairing your tea—hot or cold—with easy bake soda bread or pumpkin spice muffins!
Cottage in the Sky: A summer evening with a jar of spicy iced tea.

What’s better on a summer’s eve than sitting on your balcony with a good book and a glass of spicy iced tea?



Cottage in the Sky
Cottage in the Sky


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