Cottage in the Sky

Cottage in the Sky is about architecting a life that leaves the freedom to create — on both broad and micro-focused levels. An exposé of beliefs and choices that unwittingly indenture us (and our significant others) into stressful workforce slavery leaving no time for creation.
You’ve chosen to live in a small home through necessity. Or maybe you want to free up your time and finances to focus on more important things.
Either way, you’ve probably realized maintaining spaciousness, even after you’ve decluttered, can be difficult. The rooms in your small home need to serve several functions. Your furniture should do double, or even triple duty, along with the ability to be used in more than one room.
The list below, while not exhaustive, is a sample of useful furniture that can move with you from home to home and therefore, last you a lifetime!
The right furniture can make adequate storage and uncluttered spaciousness possible at the same time!
The Flat Surface Factor

Get the largest dining room table that fits into your home. Something sturdy and casual — something you can stick a fork into. If it’s too dainty and formal, you’ll always be worried about its integrity. This important piece of furniture should support:
- Food preparation
- Eating
- Visiting
- Studying
- Reading
- Writing
- Sewing
- Crafting
- Various projects.
Whatever your choice, the table will be a large piece with maximum impact. It will be the heart of your small home. Make sure you love it!
Depending on your layout, a couple of comfortable chairs used at the dining room table can be used as part of the living-room with only a quick spin.
The Underneath Factor

Scared of monsters under the bed? Not if you use that space for storage! A bed with built-in drawers beneath is ideal.
Otherwise, choose a bed high enough to fit your suitcases. Fill ‘em and slide ’em underneath. Alternatively, use storage containers — available in most home improvement stores.
Look for storage beneath everything!
The Versatile Factor

Hiding behind an armoire or wardrobe’s closed doors:
- Clothing in a bedroom
- Coats and shoes in a foyer
- Entertainment centre in a living room
- Computer set up in an office
A wardrobe also has the vertical factor! Meaning that the greater the furniture height, the more belongings it can store.
The same versatility can be used with dining room chairs. Be creative! Depending on the layout of your space, a couple of comfortable chairs used at the dining room table can be turned around and used as part of the living-room when you have guests.
Also, if the furniture you own is versatile, you won’t have to invest in something new every time you move.
The Vertical Factor

The super-cool semanier chest! Lots of storage and its tiny footprint can be placed almost anywhere. Semanier is an old French term for “seven” indicating seven drawers with seven underwear changes.
If you’re going go up, keep going, as high as possible. IKEA shelving is great because they have add ons taking you to the ceiling.
Want more vertical factor? Check out the wine rack in the next photo.
The Inside Factor

A chest offers an enormous amount of storage. Depending on its height and style, it can double as a:
- Console table
- Buffet
- Bench in a foyer
- Room divider
- Coffee table
- And at long last, a coffin (joking!)
An ottoman with inside storage is another option for a coffee table. A tray can be used for drinks, and it can be used as a seat in a pinch.
If you prefer a more traditional type of coffee table, look for one with storage.
The Portable Stool

A step stool is a necessity for a home that makes the most of its vertical spaces. It should be sturdy, yet light enough for easy transport.
And bonus, the step-stool has many uses!
The Shelving Factor

You can’t go wrong choosing a large wall and filling it wide and high with bookshelves — giving the impression of one piece of furniture. Store most everything you need within twelve to fourteen inches along one wall.
Otherwise think: room divider. A low bookcase or tall pass-through bookshelf placed perpendicular to the wall can do wonders making the areas cozier on either side.
The Creative Factor

Be open to unusual furniture ideas. For example, do you really need a sofa?
Chairs require less space, can be moved around easily, and you can see the floor beneath them, giving the illusion of space.
If you must have a couch, the 66-inch sofa bed is invaluable. It’s long enough to lie down and pulls out to a double-sized bed.
The three-seater sofa is too big. Guests rarely occupy all seats leaving the third wasted. A two seater leaves room for an end table.
I abhore sectionals. But if you must have one, opt for armless. They’re easier to get through doors and into apartment elevators, and are versatile in the ways they can be positioned.
There you have your list of practical and space-saving furniture!
Whatever you choose, you’ll never regret furniture that’s classic, neutral, and high quality as it’ll stand the test of time through fashion and wear.