
As a freelance writer, my early attempts at non-fiction appeared in such publications as the North Shore Magazine and Vancouver Magazine.

Otherwise, my articles are published on multiple sites.

Strata Living

With 20+ years experience in strata living, Sylvia amassed a group to topple a rogue council, then spent 4 years on council herself.

Strata Council: Theft, Bullying and Unauthorized Decisions

Strata Council members receive no training whatsoever. Be careful! Do not hand them power that they may not be qualified to have. Here’s how to handle a Strata Council bully.

Read more on Tough Nickel


3 Ways Strata Council Can Steal Money

When people spend years sitting on Strata Council, they become powerful in knowledge. Arrogance coupled with an increasingly disgruntled nature can spur on bigger and bigger cash grabs.

Read more on Tough Nickel


7 Ways to Stop a Rogue Strata Council

With all the bullying, thieving, and unauthorized decisions, you want your rogue strata council wiped off the face of the Earth. Why are they allowed to continue? Know this—there are seven ways to stop them.

Read more on Tough Nickel



During 4 years on strata council, Sylvia became horrified with the ongoing dysfunction around noise complaints. So she devised a system.

How to Successfully Fine your Noisy Neighbour

You’ve slipped your noisy neighbours a well-written anonymous note. But they don’t care! Your second task is a well-written, detailed complaint email to your landlord, property manager or city bylaw officer.

Read more on HubPages


How to Complain Anonymously to Your Noisy Neighbour

Never approach your neighbours when they’re being noisy. You’re already angry and this will only escalate during the confrontation. It could also be dangerous. The news has cited people beaten or even killed while trying to break up noisy parties.

Read more on HubPages


What are the Detrimental Effects of Noise Pollution?

Studies have shown that residential noise from neighbouring dwellings, and even within one’s own home can cause significant irritation and stress. According to medical journals, noise pollution is having increasingly detrimental effects on public health.

Read more on HubPages


Health and Well-being

Sylvia Leong is a former healthcare professional who uses her education and experience as a nutritionist and therapeutic personal trainer.

9 Secrets of Maintaining Health

It’s this easy: give your body what it needs and it will continue to repair or renew each and every cell. Hence, if all the cells that make up your body are in excellent condition, you’re going to appear not only healthy, but feel youthful too!

Read more on Remedy Grove


LEONG Orthopaedic Health Website

Leong Orthopaedic Health’s ideologies are unique in that they are based in healthcare (rather than athletics or esthetics). Because if you focus on taking care of your health, athleticism and esthetics will naturally follow, without the disruption of injury or disease.

We are dedicated to assisting you with orthopaedic health, nutritional concerns, and overall well-being.

LEONG Orthopaedic Health 


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Sylvia Leong, writer and therapeutic personal trainer
Sylvia Leong, published author and therapeutic personal trainer

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission. Copyright 2020.